March 29, 2023

Episode 2. Defining Creativity and the Flow State

Episode 2. Defining Creativity and the Flow State

Hosts Amanda Beck and Whitney Ann Jenkins discuss and challenge the Starving Artist archetype alongside concepts from Humanistic Psychology.
In this episode they discuss the definitions of Creativity and Flow according to psychology and the gaps in u...

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Entertaining the Light

Hosts Amanda Beck and Whitney Ann Jenkins discuss and challenge the Starving Artist archetype alongside concepts from Humanistic Psychology.

In this episode they discuss the definitions of Creativity and Flow according to psychology and the gaps in understanding that remain.

Whitney Ann Jenkins is a mindful and reflective creative: an actress, singer-songwriter, voice-over artist, and writer.

As host and creator of the podcast Unconditioning: Discovering the Voice Within, she holds space for conversations that explore the conscious awareness of the inner authentic voice and is an advocate for the power of storytelling and its ability to connect us, globally and universally; believing that every human on the planet has an interesting story of value.

Whitney Ann is a certified Energy Healer and Reiki Master, Volunteer Crisis Counselor, and Integrative Wellness Coach, pursuing her PhD in Humanistic Psychology with a focus specifically on the boundaries and mental wellness of performing artists.

Amanda Beck is an artist of various forms: actress, writer, and arts-based researcher.

Later this year (2023), author will be added to that roster as she publishes her first novel. Being the first book of a dystopian trilogy centered around a young girl who finds herself having to find new meaning to her fears in order to get off an island, it captures the essence of her research on the relationship between anxiety and creativity as she pursues her PhD in Humanistic Psychology.

Amanda is also a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach who aims at shifting the paradigm to how we view our wellness into one that “romanticizes our health” and trusting that our desires are a divine and essential guide in living our happiest, healthiest, most fulfilled lives.

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